A Winter Springs wastewater plant undergoing maintenance in past years According to reports…
Impactful Advocacy
We love our city and are striving to make Winter Springs a better place. Do you have a concern or issue to be addressed? Learn more about our efforts to advocate for Winter Springs residents.
Monthly Meetup
Come meet likeminded neighbors and hear informative speakers sharing impactful information affecting the entire community on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in a vibrant atmosphere at Red Eye Sports Tavern. Click here to view our calendar of upcoming events and speakers.
Join Today!
Your community needs you! Link up with likeminded neighbors and join Winter Spring’s premier Community Association today.
About us
“Living, Growing & Promoting One Heart, One Pulse, One Community, One Winter Springs.”
Established in 2019, we are the first ever city-wide community association in Winter Springs. We were formed to unite the entire city together and provide residents with a resource to learn about issues facing our city and work to advance common causes and resolve longstanding problems.
Our talented board of directors consists of public servants, business leaders and community advocates with a long history of leadership and service.
Latest News
Stephen Francis, who briefly announced his candidacy for the Winter Springs Commission, announced his intent to withdraw from the race, citing concerns with the city’s current financial state, budgeting practice, and general ethics concerns.
With the cost of gasoline and groceries sky-high, and the City of Winter Springs taking more of our hard-earned property tax dollars, can you afford a 59% hike in trash service and more than doubling of your water bill? Can you afford the policies of Commissioners Benton, Elliot and Johnson?